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TAS5721: What should I do with an unused output?

Part Number: TAS5721
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5720M

I'm looking to use the TAS5721 as a mono amplifier, but I don't need the additional power that PBTL provides, and would rather not spend the money on the additional output filter components, if possible. Is that supported by the device? Is there any termination required or recommended in that case for the unused channel?

Similarly, the headphone amplifier is not going to be used. Are pull-downs for the inputs and floating outputs ok? The proposed schematic is attached.

Other comments on the schematic are also welcome.

  • Hi Greggory,

    You can likely get TAS5721 to work in your application but I'm wondering why you didn't select TAS5720M since it's already a mono channel amplifier without a headphone amplifier built in? 

    For the unused headphone portions of the circuit I recommend taking a look at this thread here. For the most part you did a good job but there's a few components that you can remove off the headphone portion of the amplifier. 

    The only other recommend I have is to add bootstrap capacitors on the unused channel.

    Best Regards,

    Robert Clifton 

  • Thanks for the reply, Robert. I would rather use the TAS5720M. Do you have any?

    Please excuse the snark. The chip shortages are getting to me. I wasn't able to find any of those available in any sort of quantity, while the TAS5721 seems to be a bit more purchasable. The link you shared for the headphone info gives me a page not found error.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Greggory,

    These are tough times. I understand the frustrations. But I checked the inventory we have today of TAS5720M and noticed we do still have some in stock on! 

    That's strange about the link not working for you. I just double checked it and it sent me to the right page. But since you can't see it I'll copy and paste the information:

    • The inputs can be left floating, or can be connected to GND.
    • DR_VSS can be connected directly to GND without the capacitor.
    • You can remove the capacitor between DR_CP and DR_CN. DR_CP can either be floating or tied to 3.3V; DR_CN can either be floating or tied to GND.
    • DR_VDD must be connected to AVDD and /DR_SD must be connected to GND.

    Best Regards, 

    Robert Clifton 

  • Hi Greggory,

    I double checked and still see we have about 8,000 units still on! 

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards,

    Robert Clifton 

  • That's something. What's the lead time on 55k? Digi-Key is claiming 35 weeks.

  • Hi Greggory,

    Let me connect you with the person who knows this. Expect an email from me shortly. 

    Best Regards, 

    Robert Clifton