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TAS5806MD: IC heats up, even without load

Part Number: TAS5806MD
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5806M

With my design is possible to play audio, and everything works fine if PVCC is kept betwen 5-8V. Above that voltage the PCB gets warm even when no Speaker is conneted, so something within my circuit must draw too much current. At 7 Volts it is about 0.12 Amps when ideling. I suspect it is the IC but I am not sure. My speaker has a DC resistance of about 3,5Ohm. Accordung to the Datasheet it should be possible to apply about 16V without Problems. Where did I make a Mistake?

  • Hello Severin,

    Typically for debugging thermal issues the considerations are the thermal pad, vias, ground plane, copper thickness and PVDD voltage. Just looking at your layout i think you might have too dense a number of vias under the thermal pad which isn't allowing for an easy path to dissipate heat through the copper ground pour. Additionally how many layers is your board. I would recommend looking at the EVM for layout guidance.



  • Hello Luis,

    thanks for your reply. That's true. It seems like I was using too many vias there. For now I could close them with some solder. But I have to say I have a strong feeling that the problem must be somewhere else. Because the idle current gets higher, the higher the applied Voltage on PVDD is. For example at 7 Volts it is 0.12 Amps and at 12V it is about 0.22Amps. I can't imagine that this IC draws so much current when idling and at the same time without loads on the outputs.
    So either it is the fact that I am using the TAS5806MD instead of the TAS5806M (because I couldn't find the TAS5806M on the Internet) or my schematic includes some mistakes. 
    I am looking forward to hear your advice. 



  • Hello Severin,

    Today is public holiday in US, so reply from Luis will be delayed.  Before he come back, may you share the schematic. Also we want know:

    1. is the PVCC supplied to TAS5806 only?

    2. is the 0,12A only for PVCC current . just to make sure the number 0.12 doesn't include DVDD current and other current.

    2. you configure it with PPC GUI?


  • Hello Dylan

    1) PVDD and DVDD ist supplied
    2) yes 0,12A is PVCC only
    3) No, i configured it via an STM32

    I did find the error: the R1-R4  resistors drew too mach current, desoldering those did the trick and didn't decreas the performance overall.