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DIT4192: DIT4192-Schematic Check

Part Number: DIT4192

Hi Ti team,

My client has a module project using 3PCS DIT4192. Convert 3-way I2S signal to fiber signal, please help to check the schematic diagram.

  • Hello , I reviewed the schematics and I noticed in several places you put 0 Ohm pull down resistors and at the same time a 20K pull up. I think you meant to put No resistor ( do not populate) instead of 0 ohm which means a short to GND. In another word, you have to populate  either the pull up or pull down resistors.  

    For CLK0 and CLK1 you did it correctly as you put NC for one pull down on CLK0 and pulled it up , and for CLK0 you put NC for pull up and put a short to pull it down. 

    So please recheck all pins that you wanted to provide the PU /PD options and make this correction. Other than this ,  I don't see any  issue.

