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         I am a new member of the audio forum. I am designing an industrial intercom system.These requires paging amplifier and I intend to use the TAS5713 class-D amplifier .

  In the catalog SLOS637A revised august-2010. It is said that TAS5713 supports NIGHT MODE LISTENING. I am under the impression that  NIGHT MODE LISTENING means that the speaker volume will reduce automatically during night time. Please clarify. No explanation has been given in SLSOS637A or in the evaluation board documents.

         The TAS5713 requires an ADC or DAP for its operation. As we are designing an industrial intercom sfrom system, we require an automatic volume control to vary the speaker volume depending on ambient noise . I have designed these in the past using PGA's and compander IC's. The result of using these have been far from satisfactory as they tend to increase the amplification unnecessarily. Automatic volume control using DSP's are more reliable as they can distinguish between program material and noise . Can anybody give any suggestion on these , is an application note  available ?



                                                                                                                                                                         With Warm Regards

                                                                                                                                                                           K.S. Suryakumar