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TLV320DAC3203EVM-K: Adaptive Filtering not functioning

Part Number: TLV320DAC3203EVM-K
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320DAC3203

1.  Set all switches, jumpers to default positions.( see pics on customer support ticket CS1354574)

2. Ran Beep test - works as expected.

3. Put music CD in PC and played thru Microsoft media player - verified working.

4. Started Adaptive Filter - loaded app 

5. No sound was heard in the EVM Headphones.

What did I miss?

  • Hi Charles,

    Could you please try this on your side?:

    • Initialize the device by going to "Typical Configurations", select the first (default) mode and click on "Load"
    • Make sure headphones are connected to J2. Output should be working normally at this point
    • Click on "COMMAND-LINE INTERFACE" on the main panel
    • On the new window, click on the "Record" button on the bottom-left
    • Go back to main panel and double click "Adaptive Filtering"
    • When you open Adaptive Filtering you should get a message asking: Program the device for this feature?, then click OK
    • You should get a bunch of command lines on the Command-line Interface window, please share those to verify they're correct
    • At this point the feature should be enabled, output will be silent and come back after a few seconds. I get some attenuation of about ~9dB when enabling this feature, however you can use BQ0 Gain control to adjust the gain

    Let me know if there are any questions, you can reupload any pictures to this thread if needed.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • 1.  Did beep test - headphones working

    2. With Media Player active performed High Performance Playback - no output was detected

    3. Recorded script for Adaptive Filtering

    w 30 00 00
    w 30 01 01
    w 30 00 00
    w 30 04 03 91 08 00 00
    w 30 0B 82 88
    w 30 0D 00 80
    w 30 12 82 88
    w 30 14 80
    w 30 00 01
    w 30 01 08
    w 30 02 00
    w 30 47 32
    w 30 7B 01
    w 30 00 00
    w 30 3C 02
    w 30 00 2C 04
    w 30 00 2C
    w 30 0C 00 00 00 00 0A BE 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    w 30 00 2D
    w 30 14 00 00 00 00 0A BE 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    w 30 00 3E
    w 30 0C 00 00 00 00 0A BE 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    w 30 00 3F
    w 30 14 00 00 00 00 0A BE 8D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    w 30 00 01
    w 30 14 25
    w 30 0C 08 08
    w 30 00 00
    w 30 41 00 00
    w 30 3F D6
    w 30 00 01
    w 30 10 06 06
    w 30 09 30
    w 30 00 00
    w 30 40 00

    4. Still no output detected

  • Hi Charles,

    Let me go back and confirm #3 on your original post: 

    3. Put music CD in PC and played thru Microsoft media player - verified working.

    At this step, does "verified working" means there was audio at the output of DAC3203? I was expecting this to be the same as #2 on your later post:

    2. With Media Player active performed High Performance Playback - no output was detected

    Please make sure to use the correct default settings for USB-MODEVM board as well:


    One more question: How is beep test performed? Are you using any specific GUI control or I2C script to run the beep? Or you mean beep from PC OS settings? Please elaborate on that one, I basically want to know if there's any state where you can play audio before enabling the Adaptive Filtering.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Sorry for the confusion - I was trying to be specific - verified working meant put CD in and verified that it was playing through the PC speakers.

    Images of the switch settings were sent with CS1354574 - I cannot seen to get the insert to work on this form

    The code below is the beep test done thru the command line

    # Tone genetrator
    w 30 00 00
    w 30 3c 19
    w 30 49 00
    w 30 4a 20
    w 30 4b ff
    w 30 4c 10
    w 30 4d d8
    w 30 4e 7e
    w 30 4f e3
    w 30 48 00
    w 30 47 80

    One more thing: Under Typical Settings the Digital Microphone test does not work either although I can see an signal on DOUT.

  • Hi Charles,

    Thanks for the details.
    It seems to me that the EVM is not being able to stream audio data, that's why you cannot play or record anything from it through USB. Can you please share a capture of the Device Control Panel from your PC when EVM is connected? I'd like to double check how the EVM is being recognized by your PC.

    You may need to follow this procedure to reprogram the onboard controller:

    Attached is the related zip

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • I was not sure what you meant "Device Control Panel" but these are my best guesses.

    I will try to reset the firmware later today after I have sufficient coffee - it looks like a challenge

  • I have tried the resetting the USB firmware resetting several times with and without the app running and I always fail on step 7.

    I was wondering that since Digital Mic Loopback does not involve USB could the problem lie elsewhere? 

  • Hi Charles,

    Digital Mic Loopback requires USB only for the input clocks (MCLK, BCLK, WCLK), however you need to connect external DMICs to J6 and J7, do you have those available?

    For further debugging I'd check the following:

    • Inspect input clocks with a scope, probe:
      • TP39 = MCLK
      • TP38 = BCLK
      • TP37 = WCLK
      • TP36 = DIN (this should at least change when trying to play audio)
    • Make sure EVM is selected as playback device. You should see EVM as line or speaker output on your playback devices:
      • Let me know if you don't see the EVM as an option for playback device. I've noticed it sometimes require a couple connect/disconnect to show as playback option on my PC

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • With Dig Mic connected

    Clocks MCLK, BCLK, and WCLK  where seen on the appropriate TP's

    DOUT shoes MIC Output,  DIN - No Signal as per 

    # Digital Loopback
    # Routes DOUT to DIN internally, DOUT pin
    # is still output, DIN pin is ignored
    w 30 1D 10

    EVM selected as Speaker. (Why this step since the output is supposed to go to the headset (J2))

    No sound was detected at J2 or on the PC when an audio tone was applied to the microphone.

    All these tests seem to indicate that I received a board with a TLV320DAC3203 that is not fully functional.

  • Hi Charles,

    One last debug step I'd like to try:

    • Repeat the same playback test, or digital mic loopback test, either should be OK
    • Click on the "STATUS FLAGS" at the GUI main panel
    • Please let me know what you see enabled, specially in the "DAC Flags" and "Sticky Flags" tabs

    By any chance have you tried on different PCs?

    I may reach out over private message to follow up on a potentially getting a 2nd board for testing on your side.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Running the Mic loop test then following flags were OFF:

    ADC, DAC:     LADC overflow - OFF
    ADC, DAC:     RADC overflow - OFF
    DAC:              HPL overcurrent - OFF
                           HOR Overcurrent-OFF 

    All were OFF in the following sections:

    Audio Bypass Flags
    DRC Flags
    Gerneral Purpose Flags
    LDO Flags
    Headset Detection Flags
    Sticky Flags

    I will try a different PC later today.

    Yes please reach out via a private message - I really need to resolve this issue.

  • Ran on another PC with the same results

  • Hi Charles,

    Let's follow up over private message, please accept the friendship request.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • I sent the contact information of 11/9 - did you receive it?

  • Hi Charles,

    I just replied over private message. Let me know if any problems seeing that.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Turns out the board  works on Window 10 but not on Windows 11 - probably some sort of security issue which I really don't want to deal with right now.

    I am transfering this project to another PC.   Thanks for all the help resolving this issue.

  • Hi Charles,

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to rely this back to our dev team.
    Sorry for the difficulties evaluating this device.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer