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TLV320DAC3203EVM-K: Not being able to reproduce sound

Part Number: TLV320DAC3203EVM-K
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320DAC3203

Hi dear people,

I am having troble to operate the TLV320DAC3203EVM-K.

Basically, I have the same issues as in the following post:

In addition to this, I noticed that on the Command-line Interface, on the Command History, the "Led" for Bus Error is on.

For my application, I need the audio comming from 2 digital mics routed to the headphones output.

Since this did not work, I tryed other (typical) configurations without success.

I ran the EVM in 2 different computers under W10. Same issues.

Saddly, I am on traveling by now, not being able to test signals with an oscilloscope, but I followed all the recommended steps, without success.

I see, the issue was solved in the post. Would you be so kind to tell me how?

Best regards and fine Weekend for all of you!

  • Hi Gustavo,

    As a first check, can you confirm you're running the GUI in Admin Mode? Not running the app in admin mode causes issues sometimes.
    I'll send you an invite in case we need to share email address and other details over private message for a live debug call over webex or similar.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for the answer.

    Yes, I am running the GUI in Admin-mode.

    But: I have not yet programed the device for any Feature.

    Could this be a problem?

    Another strange symptom is that on the "Register Tables" window I can only see the registers till #31. All the following registers are empty. However, if I make a register dump, I cann see the others on the list.
    And also on the same window, sometimes (mostly), the registers are all set to 11111111, it does not matter on which example configuration I am. Reloading the configuration does not help (mostly). Restarting the GUI help sometimes.

    Yes, please, send me an invite to my email adress.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Gustavo,

    Can you please share some screenshots of the GUI when you have the EVM connected and trying to access these registers?
    You may also share captures of the Windows sound settings so we make sure the EVM is selected as default playback device and it's not muted.

    To begin with the device evaluation, I would suggest to go to "Typical Configurations" then make sure the first option "High Performance Stereo Playback" is selected, and then click on "LOAD", this should initialize the device to play audio through J2.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    here one screenshot from the settings you requested. Sorry, it is a little messy...

    As you see, the command-line interface shows all the written registers. The register tables, however, only shows till register 31.
    I include a register dump on Excel too.

    Saparate screenshots from the others flag-windows are included too. Bei GP-flags, the AVDD LDO overcurrent led is blinking irregularly.

    Again: I did not programmed any features. Should I?

    I hope, this helps. Please tell me if you need anything else.

    Best regards,




  • Hi Gustavo,

    One thing I noticed is that the EVM name field is blank. This may be a problem with the motherboard firmware.
    Can you please share a picture of the boards you have? Both the controller mother board and the DAC3203 EVM. I'll look for the instructions on how to re-program the firmware and share with you based on the hardware you have.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Good morning Ivan,

    here the pictures of the hardware.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Gustavo,

    Thanks, I'll double check the firmware installation procedure on my side and share the details with you by tomorrow.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Gustavo,

    The main issue I see is that the GUI does not seem to fully recognize the EVM, it should be something like this: 

    If you're using a USB HUB, please connect the EVM directly a USB port on your PC instead. 
    Also please try by disconnecting other USB devices, especially if there's any other audio or EVM-like device connected that could interfere with USB-to-I2C bridge.

    If you tried the above and didn't solved the problem. Then you may follow the procedure described in the attached PDF file. Also attached is the required software tools to reprogram the EVM firmware (slac563b).

    Hope this helps solving the issue. Please let me know how the test goes and if there's any questions.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

    7510.How to Revive a USB Audio EVM_AIC32xxx.pdf

  • Dear Ivan,
    I followed the procedure-steps twice.
    Before, I changed the ports and even the cable for a new one (I suspected, it could be part of the issue)
    I desactivated the virusscanner.
    Ran everything as Admin.
    No "Found new hardware wizard" on Win10 ?
    I found a "Unknown" device on the System manager and installed the drivers.
    Ran DFUTEST as admin:
    After Step 9, message "Download command failed" appears.
    After clicking "ok", message "Device was successfully reset" appears.
    After clicking "ok", message "Detach call failed" appears.
    After clicking "ok", message "GetState call failed. GetLastError = 1F" appears
    After clicking "ok", window with DFUEE.bin and several USB-Audio Image files appears.
    Chosen ...441KHZ.BIN
    I could see following messages:
    "Download command failed"
    "Device was successfully reset"
    "Programming complete"
    After steps 15, 16, 17,
    no change in the issue.

    EVM is selected as default playback device.
    Win10 says, everything is ok with the device.
    High Performance Stereo Playback configuration reloaded.
    Still no EVM-Name, no audio.

    I get a "Bus Error" Led on the Command-Line-Interface.
    Register Tables shows only 11111111 for each register till register 31.
    This is also seing on the attached register dump.

    I am also attaching a screenshot of the situation.

    I hope, there is a way...
    Fine Weekend for you,

  • Dear Ivan,


    I suceeded on reviving the Tool !

    I followed the instructions on the GUI, by "Tools" - EEPROM Writer.

    Things to take care of:
    There is no "New hardrare wizard" on W10.
    Instead, I could find an "Unknown" device on the Device Manager.
    There I could install the driver.
    For the rest, everything went fine, no errors.

    The GUI sees now the name of the EVM.
    I reloaded then a configuration and now I see all the registers propperly programmed.

    The only thing was, that Windows did not see the EVM as speaker, until I connected the headphones on J2.
    I can now hear music being played on the headphones.

    Happy to let you know. Maybe it helps others...

    Please, let this for a while open, in case I encounter some problem to report.

    Many thanks for your help, you pointed me into the good direction!

  • Hi Gustavo,

    Good to hear it's working for you now, sorry for the inconveniences and many thanks for sharing your observations during this debug, sure it will help others.

    This thread will be open until several days pass without interaction, feel free to come back and post any related questions or start a new thread if this is closed already.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    I am very happy!

    Indeed, new questions will arise, but the EVM is functioning properly.

    The one I have now is related to the Adaptive Filtering Feature.
    You tell me, please, if I should start a new thread with it:

    When I program the device (from the GUI) for the feature, while the Configuration for Dig-Mics is active, I cannot hear the signal from the mics anymore, but the one coming from the PC-Audio, although I removed Jumper W15.

    On the datasheet SLOS756B, by  7.3.3 Digital Microphone Inteface is stated:
    In addition to the standard set of stereo decimation filter features the TLV320DAC3203 also offers the following special functions:
    • Channel-to-channel phase adjustment
    • Adaptive filter mode

    Is this not possible inside the GUI?

    Best regards!


  • Hi Gustavo,

    It seems the problem is that the GUI is rewriting the registers for the USB playback configuration as part of the register settings for the Adaptive Filtering feature. A possible workaround is to use the I2C record tool to collect the required register settings for either the Dig-Mic use case or the Adaptive Filtering use case, then remove the extra commands that are not really needed including the software reset and playback mode changes.

    I'll plan to do the procedure described above in the following days, however you may try similarly on your side in the meantime.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    Ok, here is my workaround:

    1: Open Command-Line Interface and set it to "record"

    2: Open Typical Configurations window and load the Digital Mic Loopback example

    (You can see the commands now in the Command-Buffer. Add a coulpe of empty lines after the last command)

    3: open Features/Adaptive Filtering and program the device with the feature

    You can see the new commands now in the Command-Buffer, while the first config is still there

    Mics are out...

    4: Delete the two first commands on the new part of the list, after the empty lines (w 30 00 00, w 30 01 01)

    5: Execute the Command Buffer.

    6: Reopen the Adaptive Filtering Feature, but DO NOT program the device (select "cancel")

    The Filters-Window remains open and operational and the mics are again there!

    7: you can save the command buffer as a script file.

    I hope it helps. It would be nice, not to have to do this Wink

    Better I set this to "resolved" soon, before I find another question Slight smile

    Again, many many thanks for the help you provided!
    Best regards,


  • Hi Gustavo,

    Thanks for sharing your procedure. Our tool has been out for quite a long time now and sure needs feature update and better flexibility.
    Still, good to know the workaround is usable for now.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,
    I have set this to resolved.
    However, and because you mentioned the need for feature update and flexibility, I wonder if it would be possible in a close future to add the feature to save the configuration as a .h file, like it is done on PPC3, for instance.
    This would be of an enormous help, since the script for the configuration cannot be easily used to transmit I2C commands without parsing it before.
    Since it seems to be that the parsing-routine is already there by Ti, this would be a huge improvement of the tool, don't you think?

    Best regards!

  • Hi Gustavo,

    Thanks for your inputs, this is definitely good feedback we'll consider when refreshing the software for this device.
    Unfortunately, I don't think this can be included in the short term, because even if both of these were developed within TI, these are several years apart, developed by different people and on different platforms. Based on that the best option as of now is to create parsers like you did.
    This would be a good improvement, agreed.

    Thanks, and let us know if any further questions/comments.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer