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TAS2X63EVM: No audio in speaker output

Part Number: TAS2X63EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS2563,

Settings are written to the EVM, but no audio is heard in USB playback.

Additional observations:
- Plugin TAS2563QFN is used (problem is the same with TAS2563 plugin).
- In the PPC Audio Player it is not possible to set the USB device as suggested in 'slou408.dpf'), but the EVM is chosen as default speaker in Windows and volume control is at 100%.
- Background hiss is audible in speaker (very low level).
- I2S signals (EVM testpoints) are active: 1.8V logic, SBCLK is 12.3MHz, FSYNC is 48kHz, SDIN is 24 bits.
- TAS2563 speaker output PWM is active, switching spikes every 2.5us (400kHz), spike length 100 to 300ns.

TAS2X63EVM (default jumper settings), USB connected, VBAT/GND 5V supply (4V also tested), speaker is connected to Out+/Out-).
PVDD has no external supply (voltage is same as VBAT supply). D4 is present on the board.
J27 and J29 are set to USB(int)
J18 is set to 1.8V
J3 is set to 3.3V
J24 is set to I2C
J14 is set to SS0
J22 and J23 are connected

PurePath Console v3.2.1
FW version
Plugin TAS2563QFN v.3.0.0

Default PC speaker is 'TI USB Audio UAC2.0'
Audio Device Control Panel is set to '8 channels, 24 bits'
Speaker sampling rate is set to '24 bit, 48000 Hz'
PC OS is Win10E

  • Hi Jorgen,

    What is your procedure to initialize the device? Please follow these steps:

    • Connect EVM to USB and 5V power supply.
    • Power up 5V, this should turn on D1 and D2 LEDs.
    • Open PPC3 and TAS2563QFN plugin.
    • Go to "Device Control".
    • Change from "Tuning Mode" to "ROM Mode" at the top-right drop-list.
    • Click on "Apply".
    • Click on "IRQ" and then "Read" on the pop-up window.
    • Try playing audio through any other software, like media player or web browser.
    • Go back to PPC3 and repeat the process for "IRQ", compare the active flags and please share to double check if there's any error being detected.

    Could you please also try by setting J18 = 3.3V?
    Since you're able to probe I2S testpoints on EVM, could you double check if SBCLK or FSYNC is changing its frequency or duty cycle the first time you try to play audio?

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for your quick answer. Apart from reading IRQs, the procedure described is what I do. Here are my observations when I do exactly as you describe… 

    J18 = 1.8V:

    • Connect EVM to USB and 5V power supply. Done.
    • Power up 5V, this should turn on D1 and D2 LEDs. Both LEDs light up, FSYNC 48kHz (75ns 1.8V pulses), SBCLK 12.3MHz (1.8V).
    • Open PPC3 and TAS2563QFN plugin. Done, manual connect successful.
    • Go to "Device Control". Done.
    • Change from "Tuning Mode" to "ROM Mode" at the top-right drop-list. Done.
    • Click on "Apply". Data is successfully transferred.
    • Click on "IRQ" and then "Read" on the pop-up window. PLL Lock, Device Power Down, Device power Up ‘Latched’.  PLL Lock, Device power Up ‘Live’.
    • Try playing audio through any other software, like media player or web browser. No audio in speaker, FSYNC 48kHz, SBCLK 12.3MHz, SDIN alive. No change is observed in FSYNC or SBCLK when starting the player.
    • Go back to PPC3 and repeat the process for "IRQ", compare the active flags and please share to double check if there's any error being detected.  Now also the TDM Clock Error flag ‘Latched’. No change in ‘Live’ view.

    J18 = 3.3V:

    • Connect EVM to USB and 5V power supply. Done.
    • Power up 5V, this should turn on D1 and D2 LEDs. Both LEDs light up, FSYNC 48kHz (75ns 3.3V pulses), SBCLK 12.3MHz (3.3V).
    • Open PPC3 and TAS2563QFN plugin. Done, manual connect successful.
    • Go to "Device Control". Done.
    • Change from "Tuning Mode" to "ROM Mode" at the top-right drop-list. Done.
    • Click on "Apply". Data is successfully transferred.
    • Click on "IRQ" and then "Read" on the pop-up window. PLL Lock, Device Power Down, Device power Up ‘Latched’. PLL Lock, Device power Up ‘Live’.
    • Try playing audio through any other software, like media player or web browser. No audio in speaker, FSYNC 48kHz, SBCLK 12.3MHz, SDIN alive. No change is observed in FSYNC or SBCLK when starting the player.
    • Go back to PPC3 and repeat the process for "IRQ", compare the active flags and please share to double check if there's any error being detected.  Now also the TDM Clock Error flag ‘Latched’. No change in ‘Live’ view.

    My oscilloscope is not able to show it in any detail, but it seems there may be a small SBCLK glitch or phase shift at the moment the playback starts, both in 1.8V and 3.3V supply mode.

    Can you think of anything else I can test for, either debug informatioin or maybe checking some signals around the TAS2563-chip itself?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Jørgen,

    Thanks for checking this, it seems there's a clock issue, although it's not clear why this could happen.
    There's a marking on the EVM silkscreen top side saying "AMPS122", could you please let me know what is the letter at the end of this marking? I'd like to double check you have the latest version of the EVM.

    Do you have more than 1 EVM you can test?

    If you try the same as above, then after the clock error click on "Apply" again, and then try to play audio once more, does the issue happens again?

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer

  • Hi Ivan,

    Marking on the EVM silkscreen top side saying "AMPS122", could you please let me know what is the letter at the end of this marking? – Marking reads ‘AMPS122C’.

    Do you have more than 1 EVM you can test? – No, I just have one board. If it makes sense, I could get another one over Christmas.

    If you try the same as above, then after the clock error click on "Apply" again, and then try to play audio once more, does the issue happens again? – Yes, the error (no audio heard) remains:

    • Clear the IRQ log
    • Re-apply ROM mode
    • Open audio stream from external player (letting player continue uninterrupted makes no difference)
    • No audio is heard (player is running, I2S signals are running as expected, no glitch observed)
    • Read latched IRQs: Device Power Down, Device Power Up, PLL Lock are highlighted. TDM Clock Error is not indicated. So, the TDM Clock Error is indicated only after power-off/power-on of the board.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Jørgen,

    The version of the EVM is the latest one, it should be OK.

    This is a quite odd failure behavior, I'd prefer to test a new board. Alternatively, we could try disabling the clock error and check how it behaves, but there seems to be something wrong on this board.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer