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TAS6424E-Q1: Does clipping affect the operation of the amplifier?

Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1

Hi team,

The customer was always accused of having a low output volume during testing, and then adjusted the DSP output to a very high volume. After the adjustment, the AMP kept reporting a 0x24->01 (Clip Warning Register) warning. I would like to know what impact this warning will have if it continues to exist. ?

My analysis:
Regarding the issue of low volume, I think it is necessary to check whether the customer's Gainlevel setting is close to the input voltage of TAS6424E-Q1. I will confirm with the customer later.
But after the customer adjusts the output audio of the DSP, why does the clipping problem occur? How should I analyze this problem?
If the problem of clipping occurs, will it affect the normal operation of the circuit after clearing the clear fault at 0x21 bit 7?

  • Hi Alan,

    Once WARN is triggered, WARN pin is pull low and latched. You should write register 0x21 bit 7 to 1 to clear the warning.



  • Hi Derek,

    Thanks for your answer. But please help take a look at my problem description below.

    The input voltage used by the customer is the vehicle battery voltage, which will change as the battery power changes. For the 4 ohm load used, the 10% distortion requirement is >18W, and the maximum power is 25w. The sound volume is 0-20. At present, when the external speaker is set to 8, the DSP and AMP are both 0db. The clipping warning starts to appear at about -3db, but at 20 steps, the DSP output is 12db and the AMP is 0db;
    I would like to confirm if there are any suggestions on the amplifier for this situation.

  • Hi Alan,

    Sorry I did not fully understand what you means of customer application.

    Once clipping warning is triggered, output is must clipped. 

    If you have further question, please send e-mail to me or telephone to me.