TPA6304-Q1: Kindly Suggest the Audio routing through LM324 it will work are not

Part Number: TPA6304-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM324, TPA6404-Q1


I am doing amplifier design, the part number of the amplifier ( TPA6304-Q1) automotive grade with prototype design. This amplifier is required 4 single-ended inputs.
My design has only one single-ended audio input and 5V sourcing the power, so I am planning to use a splitter by using LM324 OP-amp with buffer mode. Please see the attached routing diagram
Kindly advise me if these options will work. or suggest some other solutions.
  • Pandian,

    What is the source driving the 100kohm resistors?  If the source output impedance is low the 100k and the LM324 circuits can be eliminated, and the source can be directly connected to all 4 inputs through capacitors. See the application schematic in the datasheet for the proper connections on the input.

    Gregg Scott 

  • Hai, Gregg Scott,

    Thanks for your reply.

    The headphones' output (L &R) is directly connected to the 100k resistor.?

    LM324 is required or not?



  • Hi Pandian,

    You cannot connect the Left channel and Right channel of a source together.  They need to summed together and then connected to the inputs of the TPA6404-Q1.

    I am assuming the headphone output has Left and Right output and a shared ground.  Place a 100K resistor in series with each output.  Connect the other end of the 100K resistors together.  This connection would go the 0.47uF capacitors on the application schematic in the datasheet.  All the 0.47uF capacitors  would be connected together at the input side, not the IC side.  

    Gregg Scott