TLV320AIC3204: PGA input referred noise

Part Number: TLV320AIC3204
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320ADC3101



I have a question about the input noise of the PGA.

The datasheet mentions the following (page 11) about the input ferered noise of the PGA, when the AD converter is bypassed:

At 40dB gain the input referred noise (A-weighted) is 3.4uVrms, under the following test conditions:

- Channel Gain = 40dB

- input Signal (0dB) = 5mVrms

- Inputs ac-shorted to ground, Input Referred

What I do not understand, is the test condition "input signal 5mVrms". How can this signal be fed into the PGA, when the inputs are ac-shorted to ground?

The second question is about the "idle channel" noise, which is speified to be 7uVrms (A-weighted). The test conditions are as follows:

- idle Channel

- IN1_L and IN1_R ac-shorted to ground

What gain is configured at the PGA for 7uVrms noise? The datasheet does not mention this.

For simulation purposes I am interested in the input referred noise of the PGA. Can I use the either of these values for a worst case input referred noise of the PGA?

