PCM6260-Q1: output problem

Part Number: PCM6260-Q1


hi expert,

my customer use PCM6260-Q1, they use two mic input, the two mic is the same, and first channel is differential mode, second channel is single end mode. the gain is the same for two channel.

The signal amplitude of the two channel input is the same, But the output voltage varies, differential  mode is only half the single end mode.

could you help explain the reason,

  • Hi Colt,

    What is the input signal level in Vrms or Vpp?

    By default, a full-scale input signal is 1Vrms for single-ended configuration and 2Vrms for differential. This can be changed to 5Vrms/10Vrms in registers. However, if for example, the input signal is 1Vrms on both channels, the single-ended input is full-scale while the differential input will have half the full-scale input signal.