TAS2563YBGEVM-DC: Tas2563 speaker model fit fail

Part Number: TAS2563YBGEVM-DC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS2563



  During the speaker characterization process, hardware checks ok, the speaker sounds well, but Model fit fails. 

  • How to fix the problem? please give me some suggestions. Thanks a lot.

  • Hi Anthony,

    It is likely there is something not set up correctly on your computer. Please make sure the recording and playback are both set to the TI audio device and also make sure these are unmuted with the level set to 100%.

    I do not currently have the EVM connected, but below is the location where you would check and alter these parameters. 

    Sydney Northcutt 

  • Hi Sydney,

        I check the computer setting, but I do not find any problem. Speaker and microphone are correctly configured. Besides, I use other two computers to run PPC3 tool. Model fit fails again. I doubt that the LB2 board leads to this problem, but I do not how to check LB2 board and find the root cause. Could you please give me some comments to diagnose this issue? 

  • Hi Anthony,

    Oh, the low pass filter is connected backwards. Please see the image below. If this does not fix the issue can you share the jumper configuration for the PPC3 board that is connected under the TAS2563 EVM?

    Sydney Northcutt 

  • Hi Sydney,

        Thanks for your support.

        I correct the low pass filter, but this does not fix the issue. The jumper configuration for the PPC3: J20 connect 3.3V / J18 not connected / J16 not connected / J23 connected / J19 connected. 

  • Hi Anthony, 

    I believe you shared the jumper configuration for the learning board (green). For the PPC3 board (blue, under the TAS2563EVM), the IOVDD voltage (J15) should be connected to 1.8 V not 3.3 V for speaker characterization. Can you confirm which configuration you have?

    Also, do you have a mic connected?

    This document may be helpful: link

    Sydney Northcutt

  • Hi Sydney,

        I get your meaning. For the PPC3 board, the IOVDD voltage(J15) is connected to 1.8V. This is a correct configuration. The mic is also connected well, model fit sitll fails. How can I do next step?