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50W Audio Amplifier with Digital Interface

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5142, DIR9001, TAS5086, TLV320AIC3111, LM3886


I want to design a 50W Audio Amplifier with digital interfaces like I2S,UART or Ethernet.

I have just started and i am a complete novice to analog design, so please drop in all your invaluable advices, reference designs are immensely welcomed.


Thank you. 


  • BhavaniSingh;

    What would you like the digital interface to do?

  • Hi, Bhavani,

    We only support three interfaces with our devices:




    If you want to use Ethernet, you will need some sort of Ethernet to I2C converter IC, and we don't offer such a best in our audio porfolio.


  • Hi Neil Albaugh,

                 Thanks for the reply, let me describe my requirements fully, i want to drive multiple speakers with a single digital source(a microcontroller), i have given the block diagram below (sorry the picture is a little childish). 

    let me specify in words, i have a digital audio source i.e., the digital audio data comes through ethernet  or UART to a microcontroller and now the microcontroller through I2S interface is supposed to play the audio data, so my queries to you would be:

    1:- How can i drive multiple amplifiers with a single micontroller having a single I2S interface(note: the amplifiers can operate individually or all at a time), so one microcontroller but lets say 5 amplifiers operating all at a time .

    2:- Each amplifier is 25W and it should be made capable of driving power upto 50W(for this i have made other post where you already gave an answer)

    If lets say this architecture is not possible, then please suggest me how to go about in a different approach.

    Thank you very much

  • Hi Don Dapkus,

                           Thanks for the reply, I would like to know whether we can drive multiple amplifiers with single SPDIF source and can you suggest me some amplifier ICs with SPDIF interface and 50W power rating.

    Thank you very much.

  • Hi, Bhavani,

    Unfortunately, we have no single chip like this.

    You'll need DIR9001 --> TAS5086 --> TAS5142 power stage. You can use up to three TAS5142 power stages for a total of six speaker drive.


  • Hi Don,

                  Thanks for the reply, actually i thought an alternative for the design with some additional signal processing capabilities added, please give your invaluable suggestions and direct me whether this system would work or not.

    I hope you can see the above crude block diagram which i gave, actually now i am interfacing the microcontroller to TLV320AIC3111 audio codec and the speaker output(which is low power) i am interfacing it to LM3886.

    Advantages of this approach is i have now superior control over the audio signal with minidsp and other such stuff. I was in need of interfacing a microphone, which i could do successfully now through the codec.

    Please do warn me the pifalls in this design approach(if any). if this is not possible due to some reason, i will go by the approach suggested by you.

    Thanks & Regards

    Bhavani Singh Thakur