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TAS5414B-Q1 mute operate

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5414B-Q1, TAS5414, TAS5414A, TAS5414C-Q1

Hi all,

Class D of AMP is a question about TAS5414B-Q1.

all the channels since mute I2C control data is got,
Time until it carries out mute actually differs for every measurement.

Please teach, if it is so that it can compute from a certain timing,
constant of peripheral circuitry, etc.

moreover, it is uncomputable, it is (talk inside IC).
if please teach the error span of processing time.

Best Regerds,
Hisa Kobayashi.

  • Kobayashi-san,

    I need to understand how you are measuring the mute timing before I can comment on this.  Please provide your test procedure. 

  • Hi Greeg-san,

    UP;  SPI from MUTE (SPI from CH1-P)  20ms


    DOWN;  SPI from MUTE (SPI from CH1-P)  17ms

    Please teach, if it is so that it can compute from a certain timing, constant of peripheral circuitry, etc.

    Moreover, if uncomputable, please teach the error span of processing time.


    Hisa Kobayashi.

  • Kobayashi-san,

    The TAS5414 family of devices uses I2C commands, not SPI.

    The timing from the MUTE to HI-Z from the I2C command to the actual HI-Z of the output stage cannot be computed.  There is an internal state machine that is constantly running.  When the proper command is sent via I2C the state machine location (entry point) is not in the same place every time.  We need to wait for the state machine to get to the proper location to perform the MUTE to Hi-Z transition.  This timing we are not able to calculate.

  • Gregg-san,

    Thank you for the reply.

    TAS5414 uses not SPI but a I2C command.  It was a mistake.

    Then, as how much should the time from I2C to MUTE be set to decide on near time?


    Hisa Kobayashi.


  • Kobayashi-san,

    There are two timing specifications that are in the TAS5414A datasheet that can be used also on the TAS5414B-Q1 and TAS5414C-Q1 family of devices.  There is the tcm and tgain.  The tcm is the time for the common mode voltage to ramp from 0Vdc to 1/2 PVDD.  This is the same value for the common mode voltage to ramp from 1/2PVDD to 0Vdc.  The specification is 35msec.  There is tgain.  This is the time for the signal to unmute and mute.  This specification is 100msec.  These are typical specification with no maximum or minimum based on a MUTE pin capacitor of 330nF.  These specifications have been removed in the TAS5414B and C due to the dependence on the MUTE pin capacitor value and tolerance.

  • Gregg-san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understood.


    Hisa Kobayashi.