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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3168A, PCM3168

am venkat , we are planning to work with pcm3168a audio codec
i have doubt regarding the set up of pcm3168a . 
1) if i set pcm3168 as master ,how it will generate the 'BCK' 
2)how to set the sampling frequency to '96 khz' 
3) if i give external 'SCK' , then bck will generate automatically r we need to set any register 
4)whether we can use pcm3168a audio codec with blackfin BF548 
5)is there any evaluation kit available? 


24 bit, 
sampling rate - 96KHZ 
Bck - 128*fs 
128 *96 
12.288 MHz 

please replay back as soon as possible.'' 
Thanks and Regards 

  • Hi, Venkat,

    Clocking of the device is discussed in the d/s in the section title, "Audio Serial Port" on page 23 of the data sheet.

    We previously had an EVM for this device, but it is no longer available. However, the EVM Users Guide is still posts which may help you with your clocking problems.


  • hi,

    thank you for replay small conformation about clock,

    in Audio Serial Port section ,in master mode clock is output .

    we are interested to buy the any were available?

    1)how to  to set the clock to 12.288 mhz(BCK)

    2) how to set fs as 96khz

    please explain the clock issue becuase am not getting it properly

    please replay back as soon as possible.

    Thanks and Regards


  • hi,

    we are at design level of PCB with 6 i/o channel using  PCM3168a audio codec .

    we are planning to work with PCM3168A audio codec ,is PCM3168A is recommended or there is any other new  IC to recommend us to design PCB

    if PCM3168a is recommended  then 

    please verify the above connection whether the connections from pcm3168 to adspbf548(black fin sport) .

    here pcm3168a as "master" and ADSP BF548 as slave ,SCK is external crystal of 24.57 MHZ

    I2S/ Left-Justified

    DATA BITS - 24

    96 kHz

    SCKI RATE (xfS)  - 128 (DAC)(2), 256

    BCK RATE (xfS)  - 128

    DOUT1/2, DIN1/2

    Thanks and Regards,
