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DSD1794A is H/W or S/W controlled?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DSD1794A


In the main page of DSD1794A description and in the title into quotes, is refered as (H/W control) i.e. hardware controlled.

In the rest of the page as well in the detailed pdf document is refered as software controlled and certainly through I2C control.

Apparently there is a mistake in description.

Which of the two is the true? Hardware or Software controlled?

Thank you


  • Hi Fotis,

    I apologize for the confusion, the DSD1794A is I2C controlled only. There are no hardware control pins on the DSD1794A, only I2C pins for I2C communication and address configuration. And shown in the data sheet are the registers that can be changed by the I2C commands.

  • Hi Justin!

    Many thanks for the reply.

    DSD1794A is exactly what i wanted, i.e. a top performance DAC chip with I2C control and separate DSD and PCM inputs!

    Now i can proceed in the design of my project.

    Thank you very much for the help

