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Can our PWM input power stages work with just single-ended input?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5601, TAS5602

1st of all, we need to clarify the meaning of SE PWM input.  Brace yourself, since it can get confusing  [:@]

Refer to the datasheet of TAS5601, that is a fully differential input PWM power stage, i.e. it takes in differential input for each PWM output.  So it has 8 PWM inputs for 4 PWM outputs.
Refer to the datasheet of TAS5602, that is a SE input PWM power stage, i.e. it takes in SE input for EACH PWM output.  So it has 4 PWM inputs for 4 PWM outputs.

However, [:O] many users interpret SE PWM input as 1 PWM input for each audio channel.  That is fine if you are only interested in SE outputs (i.e. 2 PWM inputs for 2 PWM outputs).
BUT, TAS5602 is actually capable of BTL outputs since it has 4 PWM outputs [:^)]
To get the BTL outputs, you will need your 1 PWM input for each audio channel + 1 PWM input that is the inverted version of the original PWM signal.
EG. If you feed in Left channel into PWM_AP and Right channel into PWM_CP, then you need to invert Left channel and feed into PWM_BP and invert Right channel and feed into PWM_DP.[:S]

The best way to accomplish the inversion is to employ 2 XORs, so that you eliminate lag time and audio distortions as described by the link below.    [*I]

Unfortunately, TAS5602 does not invert the PWM internally (since it will increase the cost to our customers) and if you do not invert the PWM inputs, you will end up with SE performance even if you hook it up like a BTL. [*li] 

  • I received this comment from a reader & thought it is a good idea to share  [:-*] :[*pi]
    Hi Yang Boon, I have read the link. As you explained, if you input only one PWM, you only get the corresponding PWM out. This will basically mean that TAS5602 are four SE channels. We understand that we can use two independent SE channels to make up a BTL channel. But, then in this case, what is the SE/BTL selection pin used for in TAS5602?[*-)]

    Answer: The SE/BTL pin is mainly used for pop[:@] control in the SE and BTL mode.  To put it briefly, when you enable SE mode, the charge time on the Outputs from 0V to Vcc/2 is longer. [B*]