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3308 EVM LC not passing through I2S signal

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DIR9001, TAS5706, TAS5602, TAS3308



I have a 3308 EVM LC connected to a board with 4 class d amplifiers and input section.


I am feeding an optical signal into my board and this is decoded via a DIR9001 IC as on the MC57xxPSIA. 


My board works fine when i go from optical throught the 9001 into the class d power amps (2 off each, TAS5706 and TAS5602).


It also works when i go analogue in to the 3308EVM and take the I2S out to my digital amps also works.


however i want to have the 3308 process my optical input signal.


When i connect the I2S out from the 9001 and go into the I2S on the 3308. i get no digital signal on the outputs. I have all 3 clocks on the outputs that are correct in frequency.


Im sending in a digital signal on all 3 inputs. 


I have set the 3308 to slave mode and forced it to only accept 48kHz which is what i am feeding to it.


Also i have tryed taking the digital in signal and outputting to headphones in the GDE but still no audio.


Everything looks fine and im sure i have set the 3308 up correctly. 


Does anyone have any idea why i am getting no digital audio to pass through the EVM?


  • James,

           We will need to know your software configuration in order to further assist you. It sounds as through you don't have the digital input routed in the software, but it's hard to confirm withouth knowing what softwafe you're downloading to the device.

  • Hi Drew,

    i have added the GDE file for purepath. i had to change file extension to .txt from  .pfw.


    Hopefully u can download and view the config i am sending to the 3308 EVM.






  • James,

            I reviewed your software, and nothing looks unusual. What might be useful is to remove the Initialization components from your flow. This will configure the TAS3308 in the default mode as specified by the TAS3308 Framework 8051 Object file.

            I have never encountered an issue when running with the default settings for the Serial Audio Port using the default image. You might want to give this a shot.

  • Hi All,


    Thank you for your help on this.


    I now have the board working 100% as it should with the software in the post.


    The problem was R2 and R3 pass the LRCLK and the SCLCK straight from input pins to output pins. 


    I removed these 0ohm links and all works as expected.


    Thanks again.

