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TAS5342LA Question about the design guideline

Guru 16770 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5342LA


We have question of TAS5342LA.

We are going to use this device with BD, but according to datasheet, TAS5342LA had been tested with AD modulation. Also, the reference schematic is described in AD.

Where can we refer the schematic for BD modulation?
We want to refer 2N BTL and 2N PBTL.

In the figure17 Typical Differential (2N) PBTL application with AD modulation Filters, PWM_C is open and PWM_D is connected to VREG. Can you tell us why it has such termination if you know?

Do you have information about PCB design guideline?
Especially, we want to know the note of caution for the connection of AGND and OC_ADJ if any. We want to avoid failing detection of overcurrent.

OTW and SD have internal pullup register to VREG, so external pullup is not required.
If two device are used, are there problem that we connect OTW to OTW and SD to SD each other?


  • Hello,

    See answers below:

    1. The only difference for BD modulation if the output filter configuration required. See image below:

    2. The terminations of Inputs C and D are required to put the device into either 1N or 2N PBTL mode.

    3. Like all class-D amplifiers strong grounding is required. Using interconnecting ground pours on both the top layer and bottom layers is required. The top ground pour should connect all grounding points for the device. The key it to avoided long narrow ground traces that can develop a voltage due to the heavy switching currents. AGND and the ground termination of the OC_ADJ resistor should be connected directly to this ground plane. This ground pour should also allow a good path back from the ground side of the output LC capacitors filter.

    4. There should ne no issue connecting OTW and SD pins together however, if one device is in shutdown, the other will also shutdown.

    Best Regards,
