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TAS5614A: output filter inductor question

Part Number: TAS5614A


  we have a proto amp using TAS5514A with T94-2 based inductors. Proto works fine but we don't really need the full

power of this part so I'm looking for ways to downsize these inductors.

  I'm evaluating the possibility of using just one T94-2 core per channel with dual symmetric winding. My question is do

you see any possible problem with this configuration compared to the std two core config? Functionally it should be the

same but would you expect problems on other areas, like reliability, safety, EMC etc ? 

  As I see now a single t94-2 core would save more space and $ then using two smaller cores like T80 or T68. Resistive 

loss also looks better.

Brg, Endre

  • Endre,

    This is not something we recommend or have tested. That being said, it could work.

    If you are using AD modulation mode and wire the dual inductor as a differential choke, it could theoretically work. Keep in mind that this will not work in BD mode. AD mode is always differential which ensures you don't have cancellation currents in the inductor and lose your inductance value as a result. BD mode would cause cancellation in the inductor, eliminate your effective inductance, and potentially ruin your amplifier. 

    Using one core for twice the current gets tricky because you only have half the saturation current available for each channel. 

    We also are not sure on the EMI effects. 



  • Hi Adam,

      thanks the response. We are running TAS561x in AD mode with power limits 50W/4ohm, so

    core will not see more stress then in SLAA701A @ 100W.

    brg, Endre