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TAS5782M: About DPEQ , DRC, AGL, Clipper

Part Number: TAS5782M

Hi TI experts, 

Currently I am tuning the TAS5782MEVM, but there are few functions that I don't really understand the details and relationship between them. Could you help to explain them ? 

1) DPEQ :

a) Why there are 2 different Threshold ( Low & High ) ? what are these for and how to apply it ? 

b) Why there are two EQ ( Low Level & High Level ) ? what are these for and how to apply it ? 

c) Is this DPEQ will affect the setting of the "Equaliser" section ? 

2) DRC : Why there are 2 Threshold regions ( 1 & 2 ) ? what are these for and how to apply it ? 

3) AGL :  AGL provide further protection for the amp after DRC ? 

4) Clipper : 

a) Is this function for clipping prevention ?

b) According to the document "TAS5782M Process Flow", it shows there are 2 input setting ( THD Clipper & Fine Volume ) , but there is only one setting ( Clipper Level ) in Clipper window in the actual PPC3-TAS5782EVM software. So I just need to adjust (Clipper Level ) only that PPC3-TAS5782MECM software provide in the window ? 

5) DRC , AGL , Clipper :  Are these functions are similar and aim to provide further protection for the amp step by step according to the block diagram flow ? 

Thank you 

Fai Chan