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TAS5755MEVM: TAS5755MEVM Mixer

Part Number: TAS5755MEVM

I cannot find any advanced application notes or anything for the mixing blocks in the TAS5731GDE.  I am trying to mix L+R channels in Mix53 and Mix54.  I cannot find any application notes on how to manipulate the blocks in the TAS5731GDE either.  Can you please help me find any kind of extensive user guide for this and help me mix L+R in these blocks?

Thank you,

Marshall Kinnison

  • Hi Marshall,
    We are looking into this and will get back to later.
  • Marshal,

    Please see the following corrected image for the mixer information:

    The number in red is the subaddress of either register 0x53 or 0x54. 

    For any one mixer subaddress, the gain setting is as follows:

    0 = 0x 00 00 00 00

    1 = 0x 00 80 00 00

    0.5 = 0x 00 40 00 00

    Hope this is clear, let me know if it's not.



  • Thanks, Adam.  This block diagram makes a lot of sense to me, but the GDE does not show all the blocks that you have on this picture.  For instance, if I want to get L+R into both channels 1 and 2 then I should mix L+R in mixer55 (I2C address 55) by mixing 0.5 into mixer_0 and mixer_1.  Then the output of mixer55 would be L+R (mono).  I would then use mixer 53 and 54 to get mono through channels 1 and 2 by applying the following mixers: mixer_3=0; mixer_2 =1; mixer_1 = 0; mixer_0=1;  This would then give me a mono signal in channels 1 and 2 that would go into the 2nd set of biquads for each channel.  Correct?

    The only problem is that I do not see anywhere on this GDE where to edit mixer55.  I wrote directly to address 0x55 and got the mono signal working, but how come this block is not shown in the GDE?  When I export the I2C registers to an init file, register 0x55 does not retain the value that I had written to it using the I2C writing tool.  How do I edit this register and have it save it's value for when I write the I2C registers for implementation?

    I hope that question makes sense.


    Marshal Kinnison

  • Marshal,

    Yes that looks correct to me.

    Unfortunately the GUI is very old and has a few bugs. I'm not sure how to export the correct value so I would just take note of what it should be and then include that in your dump manually.

    If I have resolved your issue please click This Resolved My Issue.

