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OPA604: Absolute Maximum Voltage Rating

Part Number: OPA604


The absolute maximum voltage rating for the opa604 is +/-25VDC. We are powering the part at +/-24VDC. We need to replace an obsolete DC-DC and the new part shows some overshoot when power is applied so that the voltage rises to a maximum of 51.3V for a period of about 10ms. is this likely to damage the opa604?



  • Hello Stephen,

    It really isn't recommended exceeding the OPA604 absolute maximum supply voltage of 50 V. A legacy op amp such as the OPA604 wouldn't have been characterized or tested in an over-voltage (EOS) condition. It just isn't known if it would tolerate this a single time, many many times, or not at all. Different production runs of the product would likely have different levels of tolerance to such events.

    Is there anything that can be done to the OPA604 circuit to help protect the op amp from the momentary EOS? Placing a silicon diode in series with each supply line would drop the total voltage applied to the OPA604 by about 1.2 to 1.5 V. That would place the maximum voltage very close to the 50 V absolute maximum. A downside is that same drop would be present when the OPA604 is powered by the nominal +/-24 V levels.

    Regards, Thomas
    Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering
  • Hi Thomas

    I guess we will have to consider some protection. We have a couple of volts overhead in the particular application.

    Thanks for your help.
