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How define PEQ parameters (Fo,Q,filter type & Gain) for TAS5717?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5717, TAS5717EVM, TAS5713, TAS5727EVM


       I've no so much experience about how translate Q,Fo,Filter type & Gain from Main micro to in order to control TAS5717 PEQ parameters.

      Usually, by using main micro just indicate which parameter need to be control (Q.F,Gain) but inside TAS5717 there are only Biquals coeficients which i'm not so familiar how translate to those parameters.

     I appreciate if someone has material to understand this inquire.





  • Hi, Rodrigo,

    You can use the GUI to calculate your desired coefficients for the biquad filters.

    Furthermore, if you right-click on the biquad block on the GUI, you can pull up an extensive help menu which describes this in more detail.

    Oh, wait, only one problem --> we haven't loaded the GUI on yet! LOL. 

    A beta version is attached here for your amusement.

    A development version of the TAS5717/19 GUI is in the ZIP file below. I will post a final version of the TAS5717/19 GUI once it is ready.

    To install the TAS5717/19 GUI,

    1. Download the ZIP file
    2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a preferred directory
    3. Run GDESetup.msi and follow the installation steps

    If you see this post more than 2 weeks from now, this GUI may be obsolete, please check the TAS5717 product folder for the latest, released version.

  • Hi Don,

            In appreciate your feedback & Gui data.

           I'll start testing.



  • Hi Don,

             I  tested my TAS5717EVM using your GUI software but there is no output from Amplifier.

            I double checked Vcc (12vcc & 5Vcc) & are OK

            Looks like Software isn't working properly because even though not connect USB I can't get any error during chenge from Edid to Run mode.

           I2C lines do nothing during changing like master volume or others fnctions.

           I downloaded also TAS5713/17EVM software but it's same result (not working).

               I saw the commnet about be sure HID Interface firmwareloadedon the on-board TAS1020B processor, Do I need install this ?

                 If so, how get this firmware?

          I appreciate your  support.







  • Hi, Rodrigo,

    Have you installed GUIs from earlier TAS devices? If so, then the windows environment variable needs to be changed. See instructions attached.

    Please contact who gave you this EVM and ask them for help in getting it to work. As you know, this EVM is not publically available yet...

    I highly doubt the firmware on the TAS1020B is bad. We test the boards before we send them out, so it should have been working here before we sent it.


    TAS5717 GDE START UP.doc
  • Hi Don,

             I did based on your information & finally I got sound.

            The point is my software GUI that I have now can't store proper I2C data. I menas, It's necessary write direct type by I2C monitor tool some registers like address 0x06 &

       also remove icon for window TAS5727EVM Shuttdown ortherwise always remain muted.

           Today I have phone call in order to request latest GUI software for TAS5717/19 porpuse.

        I appreciate your strong support.

      If latest GUI is available please send to me.





  • Hi Don,

                   I figured out already about EVM Gui tool.

                 There is one more thing to confirm regarding Line Out Driver as following....

               My original concern was how to get Line driver sound at the same time as Speaker, but I did already by changing a little bit HW Demo board HP/LD shutdown pin with pull-up 3.3 instead of A-SEL loop connection. Then I got Line Out Sound at the same time as Speaker (except PWM which I don't mind). 

                  Now, my concern is as following.......Is there a way to use internal OPAM as Non-Inverting Input instead of Inverting Input which is the actual Demo Board configuration?



  • Hi, Rodrigo,

    I'm glad you got the EVM working!!! Sorry for the trouble, but when you're working with pre-released materials, we may not have all the collateral in place. This EVM is slated to be released to the market later this week or next week.

    As for your question, we internally tie the + terminals of the op amp to ground, and bond out the - terminals. So, no, there is no way for you to make it non-inverting.

    Perhaps you can instead invert the class-D outputs via the DAP if you want the class-D and HP to be in phase.


  • Hi Don,

            I appreciate your help.

           Trough DAP is good solution for Line Out / SPK phase, unfortunattely our customer request  Input source vs Output to be on phase (speaker & Line out).

          Taking change of your sugestion, I'll request Line Out  phase change trough DAP platform device ( before Amplifier Line Out Input).

          Again thanks so much for your strong support.

        Any concern I'll let you know.

