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TPA3123D2: A few simple questions

Part Number: TPA3123D2

Dear All, 

I am interested in building some amplifiers using TI ICs. This is my first PCB design and I have used the sample schematic in the datasheet as a start. When routing the board I wondered if there was any difference between VCC, PVCCL, PVCCR, and AVCC? In terms of routing, do they all just connect up to VCC? Or am I missing something?

My second question is to do with PCB trace width. How do I calculate this when the output is going to have high current peaks, but only for very short periods, and a low average current? Which should I use? 

Lastly, am I right in thinking, as a rough guide, that if I have a 24V 4A supply that will give me a maximum (theoretical) output of 96W? 

Many thanks in advance,


  • Hello,

    You don't need to separate the analog power supply from power stage power supply. And you are quite right that the EVM board is a good reference for your design, please follow it as much as possible. About the PCB layout trace width, please make sure it can hold the max current, especially power supply and the output traces.

    For your power supply, if 4A is the peak value, the 96W output power is also peak value. The class-d efficiency is less than 1, then the amp output power on the speakers is less than the output power from power supply.

    Best regards,

    Shawn Zheng