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TPA2026D2: 01H register wasn't reset to default value even if toggling SDZ

Guru 29690 points
Part Number: TPA2026D2

Hi Team,

My customer saw 01H register wasn't reset to default value (C3h) even if toggling SDZ in rare instances.
He confirmed the value is same 23h both before toggling SDZ and after toggling SDZ.
If he remove power supply (AVDD, PVDD, PVDDR), the issue was removed (normal operation). 
Is it possible case for TPA2026D2?

He said bit 6 and bit 7 of 01H register couldn't be written in this abnormal state.
Do you have had the same experience?
If the answer is yes, I would like to know what is concern for this issue (shutdown sequence etc..).

Best Regards,

  • Hi, Yaita-san,

    I will take a look at this and will answer as soon as possible.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Yaita-san,

    Could you provide additional information, please?

    - How much time is SDZ toggling? I mean, how much time is SDZ in low state and in high state? Has customer increased the low state time?
    - Does customer applies SWS = 1 before toggling the SDZ pin?

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Yaita-san,

    Excuse me, did you have the chance to take a look at my questions above? Any information you could provide will help us to have a better approach to this issue.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Hi Luis-san,

    I apologize for late reply.
    - How much time is SDZ toggling? I mean, how much time is SDZ in low state and in high state? Has customer increased the low state time?
    My customer increased low state term around 1 minute however the issue coudn't be improved.

     - Does customer applies SWS = 1 before toggling the SDZ pin?
    Yes, shutdown sequence is the following.

    1) write 0x03 to 01H register: disable right and left amplifiers
    2) write 0x23 to 01H register: SWS = 1
    3) wait 80 us
    4) toggle SDZ high -> low -> high
    5) read 01H register however the value is still 0x23 (abnormal state)

    Best Regards,

  • Yaita-san,

    Does customer face this issue the 100% of times?

    Additionally, has he tried omitting steps 2) and 3) of the shutdown sequence? Does he have the same results only if steps 1), 4) and 5) are applied?

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Luis-san,

    >Does customer face this issue the 100% of times?
    No, we don't have reproduced the issue by intention so far.
    The device that has "abnormal state" was returned from end customers after mass production. I heard the incidence rate is about 200ppm.
    "Abnormal state" means 01H register can't be reset to default value (C3h) even if toggling SDZ, it is still 23h until removing power supply (AVDD, PVDD, PVDDR).
    The power supply (AVDD, PVDD, PVDDR) is applied at all times except removing or empty battery in their system.

    We can't find root cause why the device went to the abnormal state, so would like to confirm the following shut down sequence is recommended or not.
    1) write 0x03 to 01H register: disable right and left amplifiers
    2) write 0x23 to 01H register: SWS = 1
    3) wait 80 us
    4) toggle SDZ high -> low -> high
    5) read 01H register however the value is still 0x23 (abnormal state)

    Do you recommend omitting steps 2) and 3) in this case?
    If so, I suggested to my customer the sequence and have my customer see how it goes aftertime.

    Best Regards,

  • Yaita-san,

    I was not able to reproduce this state on bench tests. Were you capable to see this issue on the returned units? Do you know if this issue persists if the TPA2026D2 is replaced?

    The shut down sequence is correct and it shouldn't generate an issue.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Luis-san,

    >Were you capable to see this issue on the returned units?
    I didn't see the issue, my customer saw it on returned system that TPA2026D2 is mounted.

    >Do you know if this issue persists if the TPA2026D2 is replaced?
    If removing power supply (AVDD, PVDD, PVDDR) the issue was removed (normal operation), so we think replacing the device goes to normal operation.

    >The shut down sequence is correct and it shouldn't generate an issue.
    Thank you for your confirmation. I understand.

    Let me contact you again when we will need your additional support.

    Best Regards,

  • Yaita-san,

    Please feel free to contact us again if you require additional information. We will be glad to help you.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.
  • Luis-san,

    I always appreciat for your kind support.

    Best Regards,