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TPA2026D2: 01H register wasn't reset to default value even if toggling SDZ

Guru 29690 points
Part Number: TPA2026D2

Hi Team,

My customer saw 01H register wasn't reset to default value (C3h) even if toggling SDZ in rare instances.
He confirmed the value is same 23h both before toggling SDZ and after toggling SDZ.
If he remove power supply (AVDD, PVDD, PVDDR), the issue was removed (normal operation). 
Is it possible case for TPA2026D2?

He said bit 6 and bit 7 of 01H register couldn't be written in this abnormal state.
Do you have had the same experience?
If the answer is yes, I would like to know what is concern for this issue (shutdown sequence etc..).

Best Regards,