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TPA3123D2: How important is the power supply?

Part Number: TPA3123D2

Hi Guy's, 

I have just put together my very first PCB. Yay! Unsurprisingly, it doesn't work. It is a simple amplifier based on the simple chip TPA3123. 

When I play music through it, I get a crackling noise on the speaker and I was wondering if it could be the power supply. I haven't used a voltage regulator, I have just plugged it in via a wall transformer which outputs 12v. I have checked the output with a multimeter and it is a nice steady 12.4v, but I know these can mask transient fluctuations in the power. So my question is, could these transient power fluctuations cause crackling on the amp? And just to be clear, this is not crackling over music, there is no audible music at all, just crackling. 

Many thanks in advance. 
