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TAS5612 THD data when operating in SE

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5614, TAS5615, TAS5611, TAS5614A

I don't see any THD data/graphs in the TAS5612 datasheet when it is operating in Single Ended mode.  I am investigating using this chip to tri-amp a powered speaker and I would like to use it in 2xSE + 1xBTL mode ( tweeter -> SE, midrange -> SE, woofer -> BTL).  Can I expect similar THD performance as what I see for BTL and PBTL modes?

Also, what happened to TAS5614 and TAS5616?  I see they are NRND.  I didn't think these chip designs were that old.  ??  I am curious because they seem to have come and gone pretty fast.  Is the TAS5612 next?