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TAS3308 Purepath Studio XML generation error

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS3308


I have a very annoying problem with Purepath v1.88 build 3 (which I think is the latest for TAS3308?)

In one of my designs I am using several splitters (12) based on the component Split_TI_v2 and one of them generates an error in the design file so when it opens all blocks until this splitter is opened and then the following error is displayed (and the rest after this is ignored):

(build language Danish) "Objektreferencen er ikke indstillet til en forekomst af et object"

which means "the Object reference is not set for an instance of an object"

if I manually removes the object from the .pfw file the file opens (of course with the splitter missing) but no errors except for warnings for unconnected inputs and outputs where the splitter should have been. If I save and load again - no problems, and the design also builds without problems if I add in the splitter again (no matter what number I give it). As soon as I save with the splitter in the design the problem reverts and I can't load the design again...

Is this a know error, a limitation in size, number of splitters and is there an updated version of Purepath I am not aware of?

Best regards
Jes Mosgaard

  • Jes, are you using memory store or no cost splitters? I would try using a few memory store versions to see if this helps. I have seen other problems with complex process flows where it works fine until you try to re-load it.

    Neil Quarmby

  • Jes,

    Mosgaard said:
    In one of my designs I am using several splitters (12) based on the component Split_TI_v2

         Are these splitters customized components that you have written starting from the Split_TI_v2.amsx assembly template? Or are you using the Split_TI_v2 component directly from the library?

    Mosgaard said:
    which means "the Object reference is not set for an instance of an object"

       When you save a .pfw file, it references the components in the flow via their name (Split_TI_v2) in the ComponentCache. If there is not folder Split_TI_v2.xml file in the ComponentCache Folder, the .pfw cannot refernce the 'object' and thus prints out this error message.


    If you have modified the Split_TI_v2 component, you will want to make sure that it is included in the ComponentCache folder, as well as the original Split_TI_v2 component. I would suggest that see if either one of these two folders are missing from the component cache.

  • Hi Drew,


    I am using the Split_TI_v2 directly from the library. I have around 12 identical splitters in the design and they work without problems - this is the only one causing the file to become invalid. If I save it and inspect the file in an xml editor everything looks fine, it parses and no errors are reported until trying to open it.

    So the part is in the library - I don't know why this exact location in the design (which is 1 out of 4 identical datapaths generate the error.

    I have mean while tried to change the design inserting stereo splitters instead of two single splitters where the failing was one of them and with the stereo splitter everything works out fine - so it is a problem with the Purepath program opening the design file.

    is the 1.88 the newest version?

    best regards

    Jes Mosgaard


  • Mosgaard said:
    I am using the Split_TI_v2 directly from the library.

    Thanks for the confirmation.


    Mosgaard said:
    I have mean while tried to change the design inserting stereo splitters instead of two single splitters where the failing was one of them and with the stereo splitter everything works out fine - so it is a problem with the Purepath program opening the design file.

    Interesting. I have had many splitters in the program before and not had this happen. Was the .pfw developed in a previous version of PPS? Or was it started with PPS 1.88?


    Mosgaard said:
    is the 1.88 the newest version?

    Yes. The current version 1.88 Build 3.

  • Hi Drew,


    the design was started with the current 1.88 build 3, so I guess it is just not easy to explain what is wrong and I found a way around it, so lets just close it here


    best regards