Hi, it's the infamous LM386 rearing its head once again and this time someone online has discovered that by capacitively coupling pin 2 to ground via a capacitor rather than directly allows the chip to output a little bit more power before clipping. It's not much additional power, maybe an extra 100mW into 8 ohm but still every little helps with these funny little amps we like to play with.
Is there any other benefits or risk of other problems (oscillation etc) by doing this? I've looked around the internet and have not come across any schematics showing this trick, the only other mention was by someone on this very forum http://e2e.ti.com/support/audio/f/6/t/233812 You'd think a neat trick like this would be common knowledge, unless it's got some hidden catches (which is why I'm posting this question to uncover any).
Here is the internal schematic, the guy on the internet (I can post a link to the video if anyone wants and the rules allow it) said that by just grounding pin 2 it alters the internal bias slightly hence clipping much earlier.