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TAS5421-Q1: Is it possible to detect both "PVDD Overvoltage" and "Short to PVDD" at the same time?

Part Number: TAS5421-Q1

Hello Team,

I got question from customer about TAS5421-Q1.

Q. Is it possible to detect both "PVDD Overvoltage" and "Short to PVDD" at the same time?

Customer intentionally applied the PVDD overvoltage and short to PVDD at the same time. They believed both faults are reported in I2C register simultaneously(0x01 D5 bit and 0x02 D0 bit). However the device seems report one of them. Is it correct behavior?


Yuta Kurimoto

  • Kurimoto-san,

    I understand your question.  We need to understand the difference between "Protection" and "Diagnostics".

    Protection is keep the device from seeing a potentially dangerous condition during normal operation.  It "protects" the device and speaker. 

    Diagnostics is used before the device is placed into play mode where a potentially dangerous condition may already exist, such as a short to power or short to ground.  This is a "Diagnosis" of the output so that the protection does not need to be used.

    Your customer applied both an over voltage and a short to power at the same time. 
    Scenario 1:  This was applied while the output stage was in Hi-Z or Mute mode.  If this is the case, only the over voltage fault will be set in register 0x01.  This is a protection.  The load diagnostic will not set at this time.  The load diagnostics will automatically run if the over voltage fault it seen two times, with a good voltage between the two over voltage events.  If this occurs the load diagnostics will detect the short to power and set the bit in register 0x02

    Scenario 2:  This was applied while the output stage was in Play mode.  There will be a race condition on the faults.  Either an over voltage or an over current fault would occur, it would depend on which one was sensed first.  This is because a person cannot guarantee that both faults are connected at the same time. 

    To answer your question depends on the scenario.  Clarify the test conditions and you will be able to answer your customer's questions.