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PCM1808-Q1: momentary drop below recommended operation supply voltage

Part Number: PCM1808-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1808

Hi team,

Could you advise how does PCM1808 recovers from momentary supply voltage (Vcc) drop?

For example if Vcc drops from 5.0V to <4.5V(lower than recommended operating range) and then returned to 5.0V. 

1. Is there a potential to generate "pop noise"?

2. Is there a potential that the device behaves abnormal?

3. Once 5.0V is applied again, the device resumes normal operation?


  • Hello Tsuji-san,

    This is an automotive device and we can't recommend operating the device below the minimum recommended supply voltage.  That said, this device is robust and the minor disturbances near the 4.5V minimum level are unlikely to cause effects on the majority of devices.  Dropping volts below the minimum level is not recommended, nor characterized over broad numbers of devices, and therefore we must recommend that the customer abides by the recommended datasheet conditions.

    1.)  Operation below the minimum analog supply voltage is unknown over all device variances.  If the voltage dips low enough to abruptly turn off the analog core, then analog effects should be expected.

    2.)  See above.

    3.)  Yes, it will return to normal operation.  There is additional information about the digital circuitry power-on in the "Power ON" section of the datasheet.