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LM4950: LM4950 gain adjust in BTL mode

Part Number: LM4950

Hi sir,

 My customer want to use LM4950 with gain adjustment function in BTL application. Can we modify RinA only? Or need to modify RinA and RinB with the same value? Or need to modify Rfb for preventing it's input high pass filter? Thanks for your kindly help.


Gary Teng

  • Hi Gary,

    You should adjust both RinA and RinB, not doing it this way may result in unbalanced response at the output, which would affect BTL operation.
    You can either adjust RinX or RfbX, but you should basically to the same adjustment for both A and B in either case.

    Best regards,
    -Ivan Salazar
    Applications Engineer - Low Power Audio & Actuators