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I am using 10MHz input reference for LMX2615EVM-CVAL board. I generated output frequency around 6.84 GHz and observed the output phase noise. My main concern regards to phase noise around 100 Hz-1KHz
I could observe that Phase noise plots varied significantly even for nearby integer output frequencies i.e. 6.82GHz, 6.83GHz and 6.84GHz (plots attached). Also, phase noise of Fractional output frequencies tends to be on the better side than integer output frequencies, i.e. 6.8246GHz and 6.8346GHz (Plot attached).
Why phase noise of fractional output frequencies are better than integer output frequencies?
Why phase noise varies so much for nearby integer frequencies, even though there is not much of a change in multiplier integer?
Even best of phase noise plots are far away from Phase noise specifications of LMX2615. Is it because we are using 10MHz input reference and LMX2615EVM-CAL board is tuned according to 100MHz? Does tuning loop filters help in improving phase noise? What options do I have to improve phase noise with 10Mhz input reference.