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When I would use the LMK040xx Evaluation Board in LVCMOS mode, what is the value of R125?
If this value is equal to 50ohm, is this means that internal impedance of the LVCMOS driver is equal to 0ohm?
Thank you.
Hi Mourad,
LMK040xxx LVCMOS driver output impedance is ~50ohms. We recommend a placeholder on the the PCB for a series termination resistor. The nominal value for that resistor could be 0 ohms.
Arvind Sridhar
Hi Arvind,
Thank you for the response.
In the schematic of
High-IF Receiver Reference Design Board
LMH6517 + ADC16DV160 + LMK04031B"
I have found that LMK04031B is followed by a resistance of 49.9ohm, and the filter TFS153F is followed by 402ohm||402ohm.
If the LMK04031B LVCMOS driver output impedance is ~50ohms, then the input filter must be 100ohm, and its output must be 200ohm. Unforrtunately, I can't find the datasheet of the filter to verify.
Can you help me. I will be very thankful;
Hi Mourad,
I have forwarded your question to the applications team that designed the SP16160CH1RB Reference design board and put this user guide together. Perhaps they might be able to help. Someone should get back to you shortly.
Arvind Sridhar
Hi Mourad,
The Clock and Timing group does not have the datasheet for this custom saw filter from Vectron. Your best bet would be to request in High Speed Data Converters Forum
Arvind Sridhar
Hi Arvind,
I will request there and I hope that I will find.
Best Regards.
Mourad Ghorbel