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Hi Edward,
You might be able to use the LMK04033B device in a configuration as shown below to achieve the desired ADC and DAC frequencies. You could pick a 20 MHz VCXO as shown in the configuration or another common one of your choice. Please use the National Clock Design Tool for device selection/configuration
Arvind Sridhar
Thanks Mr. Sridhar
About the schematic of evaluation board the picture is not clear to see component How can I find clear picture of EVB schematic and second question is there are two ref. clock in(CLKin0/CLKin1) for lmk04033b..should I excite this two ref clocks to create clock signal in output clocks or VCXO crystal is enough and if I should use what would be the best option for this two ref clock in
Hi Edward,
CLKinX could be any frequency but for ease of configuration, you could have it be a factor of the VCXO frequency. Set the PDF for PLL1 in low MHz (~1 MHz) by adjusting the reference and feedback dividers. Send me your email address and I will send you the pdf of the board that is readable. I cannnot seem to attach it to this thread.
Arvind Sridhar
I checked schematic of lmk040xx and thank you to send me this clear pdf. I have a question about the component open in pdf. this ok to remove open components or what is the best approach for open component
and the schematic pdf that you send me and evaluation board schematic uploaded in website there are some differences...for CLKin0 the schematic in website used header and in schematic of yours there is no header... and this difference is also available for components connector port 25 and port the schmatic that you send U3 and U4 headers are just for monitoring signal level or is there any other function with those headers.....
for port 32 there are two loop filter circuit one is for VCXO and another is for crystal loop filter if I use VCXO shoul I remove loop filter for crystal osc.
sorry to too much question clock gen. such as lmk04000 series I have poor knowlegde