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bq32000: RTC battery life

Part Number: BQ32000


What is the formula used to calculate the RTC coin cell battery life?

As customer requires this information, Can I know how to calculate?


Bhavishya AJ

  • Hi Bhavishya,

    You can estimate the battery life by dividing the battery capacity by the BQ32000 backup supply current.

    For example, let's use 250mAh coin cell battery. From Figure 2 in the datasheet we can determine the I_back when VCC = 2V. When V_back = 3.0V, I_back is about 90uA. This gives a battery life of approximately 250mAh / 90uA = 2777.778 hours = 115.74 days.

    Kind regards,
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    But Iback is typically 1.2uA from datasheet and when we measured we found it to be 1uA.



    Capacity of RTC coin cell battery 220mAh

    As per your calculation it should be

    220mAh/1.5u =146666.67 hours which is 16 years.

    The coin cell battery used is maxwell CR2032 which is unrealistic with 16 years. 

    can you suggest any other method to find the life time of battery?


    Bhavishya AJ

  • Hi Bhavishya,

    This is a standard method for estimating battery life. You can multiply by a factor of 0.7 for your design constraint:

    When VCC = 3.3V and Vback = 3V: Vback will not be used and VCC will be used. This gives 0.7*16years = 11.2 years battery life while the backup supply is not being used.

    Finally, the Iback value given in the datasheet is given under specific measurement conditions. I recommend to measure Iback in your application when calculating battery life.

    Kind regards,
    Lane Boyd