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CDCI6214EVM: Getting write errors whenever I try a program CDCI6214EVM using TCIS-Pro SW

Part Number: CDCI6214EVM

Any time I attempt to program the CDCI6214EVM using TCIS-Pro SW I will receive "Error while writing into register RX" messages for whatever register the software happens to be writing into at the time.  When I instruct the software to "write all registers" this happens for registers R0 to R71, which I am going to assume is all of them.  Is there any reason why this might be happening.  TCIS-Pro still detects the board and I can still switch the board power through TCIS-Pro, so its obviously successfully communicating with the board.

Prior to observing this problem, I did reconfigure the evaluation boards resistors for a LVCMOS input.  I am not certain if this is the cause or I just had not noticed the error messages before.

Thanks for the help.

  • Hello Nicholas,
    which EEPROM page did you select?
    All units shipped have a configuration in the page 0 which disables the I2C interface and enables the "individual output enable function".
    When you enable the power enable signal in the GUI, does the EEPROMSEL button show "High" and the REFSEL button show "Low"?

    Please also ensure that the DIP switches and shunts set only a single LDO to "enabled". Otherwise you would have to provide external 5V through the wire option and disconnect the shunt to the USB 5V.

    Best regards,
  • Patrick,

    I looked into these settings but haven't had much success.

    For the EEPROM, three are listed under "Default Configuration":

    Fallback Default (EEPROM EL=M)
    EEPROM, Clock Generator, PCIe 4x, OEi
    EEPROM, Clock Generator, PCIe 2x, OEi

    It doesn't matter which one I pick, I get write errors regardless.

    As far as the IC2 interface, I noticed I get a "No device found" error when I select "Scan I2C Bus". I found a reference to page 0 under "user controls", but I have no idea how to enable to I2C interface.

    Both EEPROMSEL and REFSEL show "Low", although I can change them from within the GUI.

    I set the DIP switches to what the user guide told me to set them to in figure 2-1, which was to remove the switches on everything except RESETN/SYNC.

    Can you go into more details on how to set these options?


  • Patrick,

    I realized I just missed a step in the user guide. Apparently, according to section 2.2 I need to remove resistors R157, R173, R174, R188, R190 just to use the TICS Pro software. Is this correct?

    I noticed that similar resistors R189 and R172 associated with the remaining two jumpers are already absent, so that all 7 of these bridges will be disconnected. Again, is this correct?

    The user guide also mentioned the GPIO should be connected as the output, but four of these jumpers are label GPIO1 - GPIO4, and I am being instructed to disconnect the two remaining GPIO resistors and all four GPIO jumpers in figure 2-1. I am not sure what is being asked of me here.

    Finally, is this what you were talking about when you mentioned the LDO DIP switches?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Hello Nicholas,
    I will send you an older version of the user guide which fits to the board you have. Can you please drop me an e-mail at 

    Best regards,

  • Patrick,

    I sent you an email with my email address.

    Thanks for the help.
