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ADS8558: Daisy Chain

Part Number: ADS8558

Hi team,

My customer is working on a system that will be using the ADS8558, one board will have 2 and another board will have 3.  They have them hooked up in a daisy chain configuration.  For the 3 chip board, that means 96 clock cycles in the SPI transaction to retrieve the data.  They are using the part in SW mode and using the serial interface. They know that they need to write the control register on each access.

Where does the 32 bits for the control register fit into the 96 clock transfer?



  • Communicated with Connie offline. Below is the answer:

    "The SDI on ADS855x ADC including ADS8558 is not daisy chained, only the SDO is so you can write to all three parts at the same time with a same command word so that all ADCs can have same configurations, or write different command words from different SPI ports of microcontroller to have a different configuration for each ADC. The timing for SDI is shown in Figure 2 page 15 in the datasheet."

    Hi Connie,

    I'm going to close this thread. Please let Cynthia or me know if you need further support, thanks.

    Best regards,
