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Part Number: ADC128S052-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC128S052

I'm Ryo
I am currently considering a system using the ADC128S052.

Please tell us about the following.
Q1) What is the total error (LSB) of this AD converter?
I would like to know the calculation formula for calculating the error.

Q2) What is "OEM (Offset Error Match)"?

Q3) What is "FSEM Full Scale Error Match"?

We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your response.

  • Hello, 

    1. The total unadjusted error cane be calculated using the equations provided in this short blog post, as part of a 3 part series: ADC Accuracy Part 2: Total unadjusted error explained -click here-

    This device was developed and released almost two decades ago, and since the vocabulary and specifications names have changed

    2. OEM refers to the Offset error.  Offset matching indicates how well the channels of the device match to each other. 

    3. FSEM refers to the gain error. Gain matching indicates how well the channels of the device match to each other. 

    Hope this helps

    Regards, Cynthia