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TIPD158: Heat problem

Part Number: TIPD158

Hello Team,

I'm posting on behalf of my customer. Please see my customer inquiry below

I hope you are doing well. We use TIPD158 reference design to create own ADC module. The design is exact same copy of TIPD158. But we are encountering issue of heat. The Precision Programmable Reference (TL431BQDBZ) start heating up as we power the ADC module. Also there is no change at the output. It continuously stuck on 1mA.

Could you please help us finding issue with design or something else were we are making mistake?



  • Renan,

    Did the customer copy the schematic and generate boards? Or did they generate the boards from the gerbers? If they copied the schematic, can you post the schematic here so that we can review it for issues?

    I checked through some past comments and the only thing that might be an issue is that the +5V line from the TL431B is really set up to be a 3V line. If there are other circuits connected to this node, then there might be an issue. 

    To be sure about the operation, can you have them check the voltage across R3 and R4? Also note that the GND node should not be connected to the LOOP- line from whatever supply is driving this. The supply should be isolated from the rest of this circuit.