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ADS1298: 1298 corrpupted channels in daisychain mode (4x)

Part Number: ADS1298


I have designed my own board with 4 ADS1298 chips. I can read write to registers. I can read out 32 channels. I have attached a signal generator to all channels. 29 out of 32 channels work fine. 3 channels provide some rubbish.

Alle channels and chips are configured the same way.

In the plot bleow you see:

Channel 1 Chip 1 And channel 8 chip 2 both looking fine. Allt the other channels look fine. Besides ADS 3 channel 1 , ADS 4 channel 1 and ADS 4 channel 2.

In fact for the plot I used the internal test signal. It is the same if I use a external signal generator!.
And I have the same behaviour on 3 different PCBs ;-(

Any Idea why those 3 channels behave this way?


  • Hi,

    Could you try test the chip 3 and chip 4 one-by-one independently/individually?

    And, please check whether the gain settings and other registers settings are configured the same as the know good/working chips.


  • Hi Chien Chun,

    thanks for the quick reply. Well I thought in daisy chain mode, one can only configure the first chip and has no access to the other chips in the daisy chain. Correct?

  • Hi,

    Yes, you are correct - All devices are configured to the same register values because CS is shared." and "the individual devices cannot be programmed".

    May I ask what data rate do you use? Do you encounter this issue for different data rate? Could you try different rate?

    It's suggested to also follow the data sheet Daisy-Chain Configuration

    "Issue one extra SCLK between each data set (see Figure 67)" 

    Note - When daisy chain multiple ADS1298 devices, there are total

    24(status bits)+(8 channels *24 bit)+1(clk/don't care)+

    24(status bits)+(8 channels *24 bit)+1(clk/don't care)+

    24(status bits)+(8 channels *24 bit)+1(clk/don't care)+





    page 58.

    In the case if you need to break the daisy chain temporarily and test individually/indecently. Not knowing how the PCBA(s) were designed, is there still a way to pull/write the DAISY_IN to low or GND, and only connect the DOUT of the problem chip to your master/host? 

    If individual chip works fine independently, then it's suggested to probe the /CS, /DRDY, SCLK, DAISY_IN and DOUT lines to check whether SCLK clocks/latches each DOUT bit properly.


  • solved it. I had a bug in my code when taking care of the one extra clock cycle.