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DAC101C081Q: I2C address

Part Number: DAC101C081Q
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC121C085

Hello TI

The I2C address is very confusing: I assume that with the DAC101C081QISDX and ADR0 connected to GND, we have to use 0001101. What is the other address 1000110?


  • Hi Emanuel,

    The table was not labeled clearly. The first address is the I2C address, the second address is an address that should not be used by other devices on the bus. For example, if the DAC121C085 was being used with an address of 0001100 and there was another device on the I2C bus with an address of 1000110, when the controller wrote to the device with an address of 1000110 the DAC may try to use the data that had been sent. 


    Katlynne Jones