Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3033, REF1933, INA240, REF3030, REF1930, INA293, REF6230, ADS7057, OPA357, TINA-TI, PGA113
Consider the figure below:
We are designing a circuit to measure currents up to 60A with precision of at least 10mA.
About this schematic, I have some questions:
1. The ADS7056 datasheet suggests the REF1933 as voltage reference, but actually we are planning on using the REF3033: considering its output noise as 14uVpp, it stays below the 3.3 / ( 2^14 ), so is this one suitable for the max precision of this 14 bit ADC @ 2.5 MSPS?
2. In case REF3033 fits the requirement in #1, is that a big issue to use a unique REF3033 to source three ADS7056 analog circuitry? (considering PDN and noise sharing between three ADS7056)
3. Is the INA240 output low impedance enough to make it possible to be cascaded with the input of the ADS7056?
4. In case #3 is not possible to be done, is it possible to use the INA293A2 instead, as it seems to have a buffer at the output?
5.1. In case of using a INA293A2 to sense a BLDC motor which phase reaches 60V max peak, how to avoid this huge Vout ringing in fig.6-31 from datasheet due to a switching? (https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ina293.pdf?ts=1684793322323&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F)
5.2 Is it enough to put a R-C-R series net before the sensing chip in order to avoid this ringing (as shown below)?
Please, consider answering all the points, because all of them are important to our understanding.
Thanks in advance for your attention.