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AMC7836: LV_ADC analog input voltage

Part Number: AMC7836

Hi Team,

I would like to inquire about the voltage range and time relationship of the LV ADC input pins of the AMC7836. For example, the manual states that when AVDD=5V, the max range of the LV_ADC pin is -0.3~5.3V. Is this referring to the long-term stress situation?

If there is input stress and the voltage reaches, for example, 6V for a duration of 30us, will the chip pins still function normally under this condition?



  • Hi Adrian,

    I talked to a designer about this. They said the short time of the pulse should have no adverse effects on the part or the pin. If the pulse lasted for longer (millisecond range), the part will begin to see stress. 

    Let me know if you have any other concerns.
