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TLV2556-EP: What to do with Unused inputs

Part Number: TLV2556-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV2556

If we are not using AINx inputs, should we pull em to gnd or whats best practice 

our design currently has them floating with 100pF caps on em which just seem wrong to float this input which seems worse than tie to gnd through a resistor or copper since the voltage there can be unknown and float to something damaging potenitally. . 

  • Hi there!

    I'm not a fan of leaving analog inputs floating.  I'm also not a fan of a direct copper short to ground or other static source.  If space allows for a termination to ground, that keeps 'future expansion' options viable.  You could replace the cap terminations on the TLV2556 with 0 ohm resistors, or leave the caps in place.  The resistor will fix the inputs a 0V and might offer a 'sanity check' voltage measurement for the end system.  Caps to ground may show slightly different voltage levels, but they would never charge to levels beyond your supply voltage.  Typically the inputs would charge to about mid scale.