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ADS131M02: read ADC conversion data problem

Part Number: ADS131M02

Dear Specialists,

From the datasheet, I know there are four words in a frame:  response,  channel 0 data, channel 1 data,  CRC.

My question is:

1. if channel 0 is disabled, the frame format is three words (response,  channel 1 data,  CRC); or the frame is still four words (channel 0 data are zeros) ?

2. Software can only read three words (response,  channel 0 data, channel 1 data), which means CRC val is ignored ?  

Thank you.


  • Hello Li,

    the frame format does not change when you disable any channel of ADS131M02. There will always be four words. If a channel is disabled, the data for that channel will show all 0s.

    Yes, you can ignore the CRC word if you don't need it and only read three words.

    Joachim Wuerker