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ADS1298: data read from ads1298

Part Number: ADS1298


I am using ADS1298 IC for ECG data. I am using STM32 to communicate with ADS1298. The SPI communication is successfully happening between these two. My doubt is that , from which register I need to read the ECG data. When I checked in the datasheet every registers are meant for configuring/setting channels expect LOFF_STATP and LOFF_STATN (which is read only). As per my understanding CHnSET registers are for setting up each channels. So can anyone tell me which is the register (register name or datasheet page no.) where the ECG data as such can read? 


Neelima S

  • Hi,

    Regarding to "from which register I need to read the ECG data."

    ECG data is not read out from register, The data keeps streaming out from the DOUT pin depending on the START pin(or command), /CS and SCLK -

    Please take look Data Ready Pin (DRDY) Single-Shot Mode Continuous Conversion Mode Data Output Pin (DOUT) RDATAC: Read Data Continuous RDATA: Read Data


  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    So the output from 8 channels are streaming through SPI communication. right?

    When I tried to read the 12 lead ECG data I am getting the same value all the time. Is it like that?

    And Is there any structure for the streaming data (like is it obtaining in any packet structure)?


  • "the output from 8 channels are streaming through SPI communication. right?"



    Could you check have you 

    done proper power up sequence?

    done proper reset sequence?

    followed the SPI timing diagram in the datasheet and to read the ID: ID Control Register (address = 00h)  correctly and repeatedly?


    what data or signal are you trying to read?

    What might be your signal source?

    Could you also try to read the internal test signal?


  • Hi,

    Since I haven't heard back from you,

    I am closing the ticket.
