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ADS1261: Two Conversion Modes

Part Number: ADS1261

ADS1261 provides two conversion modes. In the general PLC Analog Input&Output Module design, which conversion mode is correctly to optimize the PLC AI module design? or both can do? Why?

Here are the Specs for Analog Input Module:

Input Voltage Range: +/-10V, 0-10V, +/-5V, 0-5V and 1V-5V.

#CH: 4 (Single End Input topology)

Response time: 2ms per channel (It means the conversion time from analog input to output should be done in 2mS)





  • Hi Brian Wang0928,

    Thanks for posting the project details in the Thread Tracking Toolkit!

    Either of the two conversion modes (continuous and pulse) can be used for a PLC analog input module. If the customer is continuously switching through channels and only reading one conversion data per channel, then the digital filter will have to reset each time so there is no significant benefit to choosing Continuous or Pulse convert mode.

    In Continuous mode, the ADC just continuously converts data so there is no need to issue START / STOP commands or toggle the START pin after the initial conversion is started. Also, when writing to certain registers, the digital filter automatically resets so you do not have to worry about corrupted data. See Table 29 for more information

    In Pulse-convert mode, the user will have to start a conversion each time they want to read data. This gives the user a bit more control, since they can read data, then change the MUX register, then start data, and they will only get one data out each time.

    See Table 8 in the ADS1261 datasheet for conversion latency values


  • Hi Bryan,

    Could you implement a bit more on when one would use continuous mode and when one would use pulse convert mode?

    Our client is questioning that when switching channel, both mode requires reconfiguration on ADC.

    In what condition would you use each mode?



    Barton Tung